Destination 9: Six thinking Hats! (Example of SIM)

Thinking Hats was created by  Edward de Bono in 1985. It is just one method that can be used for SIM or cooperative learning! Thinking Hats helps to promote powerful decision-making by having students look from a variety of perspectives without becoming overwhelmed.

How do I use the Six Thinking Hats Model?

Students can use this method when they are working together in a group to solve a problem or make a decision.

  • White Hat- Focus on the information that you currently have or that was given. Analyze past trends and look for missing pieces in your knowledge basis and attempt to fill them in. Look at the facts and objective information
  • Red Hat- Use your intuition, emotion or gut-feeling. Also take into consideration how others would react emotionally.
  • Black Hat- Be the judge of the situation. Look at all possible negative outcomes defensively. Why wouldn't this decision work? Look at all the weaker parts of your plan in order to strengthen them. Make the plan TOUGH and STRONG.
  • Yellow Hat- Be the sunshine. Find all positive and optimistic points of your plan, decision or outcome. 
  • Green Hat- Creativity. Dig deep into your imagination and creativity to find creative way to solve your problem or to find a solution. 
  • Blue Hat- Control. Directs other hats to begin their thinking and to take over when needed.


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