Destination 12: The 5 Themes of Geography

Today we will be going over the Five Themes of Geography.

The First Theme of Geography is Location.
  •  Location can be either Absolute or Relative.
    • Absolute: is a location that is specific. 
      • Example: Coordinates on a Map, Longitude, Latitude.
    • Relative: A location that is relative
      • Example: nearby, next door, a drive
Image result for location gif

The Second Theme of Geography is Place.

  • A Place is an area which is defined by anything and everything within the area. Every place has it's own unique features which give them personality and make them stand out from the rest.
    • Example: If your house is the place, it would include your room, front door, pool, ect.
Image result for place clipart

The Third Theme of Geography is Region.

  • Region is an area that is defined by shared characteristics. These characteristics can be physical, natural, human or cultural.
    • Example: The Midwest

Image result for region clipart

The Fourth Theme of Geography is Movement.

  • Movement is the way people, goods, information and ideas move from one place to another. 
    • Example: News traveling, people moving, driving to work, etc.
Image result for people walking gif

The Fifth Theme of Geography is Human-Environment Interaction.

  • Human- Environment Interaction is the relationship between people and their environment and how they adapt to it.
    • Example: Egyptians in the ancient times adapting to annual floodingImage result for human environment gif


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