Destination 15: Teaching Civics using ICivics

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ICivics is a non-profit organization who focus on promoting civics education to students. ICivics provides the students as well as teachers with free online games as well as lesson plans. Their overall goal is to turn students into active and knowledgable citizens.

The game I played was "Making a Positive Change in your Community". When you first start, you are able to chose a character. From there, you can pick one of four issues to support. Those issues include:
  • Helping out at the Shelter
  • Stop bullying at your school
  • Help your family
  • Clean your local park
I decided to choose helping out at my local shelter since I love animals. I had several tasks along the way. Some included feeding the animals, cleaning their cages, giving them water and building an additional shelter. 

I wish I would have had time to incorporate this into my Community lesson plans. This would have been a great, interactive example of how students can be good citizens. 

In addition to the game I played, they have:
  • NewsFeed Defenders
  • Immigration Nation
  • Do I Have a Right?
  • Executive Command
  • Counties Work
Overall, I believe this website is a fantastic resource. It has several games in which cover a wide range of topics that students should be familiar of especially since they are such a big deal in our nation these days. I also like how the games are meant for children therefore, they are easy to use, colorful and fun while having loads of information.

As a future educator, I will definitely use this resource in my classroom.

Click here for the site link! You will need to make an account but it is free!!


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