Destination 8: Implement Social Interactive Modeling

Above: Quick Simulation of SIM 

Cooperative Learning is just one method educators can use when they are teaching. The benefits include; using different goals, tasks and rewards to promote learning. 

Cooperative learn requires our students to work together in smaller groups. In these groups they are able to achieve goals together as well as rewards while having their own individual accountability. 

What does the Cooperative Model aim at?
  • Go beyond academics
  • Inter-group acceptance
  • Social Skills
  • Group Skills
  • Cooperative behavior and traits
There are six phases of teacher action for Cooperative Learning:
  1. Clarify goals and establish set- Teachers must let students know of the goals and expectations prior to the lesson and must pre-ass both academic and social goals.
  2. Present the Information- The teacher must provide the information to the students either verbally or orally.
  3. Organize the students into teams/groups- Teacher will explain how students should form the groups to ensure a smooth transition. 
  4. Assist the teams- Teacher should walk around and help student groups with team work if needed
  5. Assessment on the Materials- Teachers should assess the students' knowledge of the materials used. An example would be group presentations.
  6. Provide feedback and recognition- Teachers should provide feedback both individual and on a group scale. 

How do I plan for Cooperative Learning?
  • Planning Tasks 
    • More emphasis on small-group work
  • Approaches such as STAD, Jigsaw, Group Investigation, Thinking Heads
  • Prepare to go from the Main stage role to a a behind the scenes role
What are the benefits of SIM?
  • Achievement of group goals and rewards
  • Interpersonal skills are developed
  • Students work with group members but have individual accountability
  • Group Maintenance
  • Social skills are developed


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