Destination 16: Artifact Bag

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In class Tuesday, we had the opportunity to be history detectives! We were given a mystery bag filled with mysterious artifacts inside.
My group was given 3 artifacts.

Here was the first artifact:
We first noticed that the item was in a different language. My group and I believed it was Russian, as we had seen the language before but were unable to read what it said. I was able to find an app where you can take a picture and it will translate it. We found out that this is a PhD Diploma from the Pedagogy of Sciences in Russia. It was given to Professor Smirnova in May of 1989. What my group found interesting was that the Diploma font was not typed, rather all handwritten.

Below is the second artifact:
Immediately, we knew it was a spoon of some sort, After conducting research, we found out it is a hand craved Russian spoon, known as a Khokhloma.  These can be used as decoration or as a utensil. Dr. Smirnova told us about how these are commonly used at traditional funerals. In Russia, tradition is not to use a fork at a funeral.

Here is our last artifact:
Upon seeing this, we knew it was a birch tree by the color of the tree trunk. Between research and Dr. Smirnova, we learned birch trees are a symbol of Russia. They are all over the country. In addition, the leaves are amber. Amber is a popular stone throughout Russia that is used in jewelry and seen as a symbol as well.  The painting is a piece of home brought to America for Dr. Smirnova.


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