Destination 4: Getting to know our citizens!

September 20th, 2018 marked the first day of our wild exploration through fieldwork!

On this day, the MSMC class worked together to create four different getting to know you activities. These activites consisted of monopoly (using getting to know you questions), jenga with the questions written on them, rolling a dice to answer a question and pulling a popsicle stick with a question on it.

In particular, my group used the popsicle stick method mentioned. There were 4 groups of five in which rotated throughout the four activities. When the 5 students came to our group, they were excited to pull the stick out of the cup and share their answer with the class!!

The students were eager to hear our answers as well. This activity taught my group and I all about the students we will be teaching throughout the semester. We were also able to learn their personalities as well. We saw which students are energetic and loud and which prefer to be reserved and shy.

Let's hope our future destinations are as successful as today's!


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