
Showing posts from September, 2018

Destination 6: The Inquiry Method

Welcome to Destination 6: THE INQUIRY METHOD! **Please refer to post 3 to see the four methods of teaching explained in depth!** Today we taught our second-whole class lesson using the inquiry method. We chose to open the lesson with review of the terms the students learned last session that will be critical to their activity this session. The words include: community, citizens, rural, urban, suburban, and global community. After the review, we introduced the Inquiry method. The problem we identified was that Mr. President's maps got lost and the detectives (the students) had to help piece them back together. Each of the four groups received a bag with clues inside. Some of these clues related to the type of community that the  group had, while others were to throw the detectives off. The detectives were to pull 3 clues from the bag to form a hypothesis  as a group. Throughout this inquiry activity, the students recorded their hypothesis, data and conclusion in thei

Destination 5: Direct Instruction

On day one of our lesson plan, we taught using the direct instruction method (see post 3 for an in depth explanation on the four methods of teaching). Our topic for the semester is Communities. Therefore, my group decided to teach the students the basics of a community. Our lesson focused on the following: What is a community? What are citizens? How to be a good/active citizen Demographics Types of communities Law and the Community For 40 minutes, my group and I taught the topics listed above. Overall, I believe we kept the students engaged in the lesson. After several slides throughout, we checked for understanding by asking students to give us a thumbs up (i understand), thumbs down (i don't understand and have questions) and thumbs to the side ( I sort of understand, can you slow down and explain?). Throughout the lesson, only 2 students have thumbs to the side or down, to which we slowed down and answered the questions they had. Unfortunately, we only had time t

Destination 4: Getting to know our citizens!

September 20th, 2018 marked the first day of our wild exploration through fieldwork! On this day, the MSMC class worked together to create four different getting to know you activities. These activites consisted of monopoly (using getting to know you questions), jenga with the questions written on them, rolling a dice to answer a question and pulling a popsicle stick with a question on it. In particular, my group used the popsicle stick method mentioned. There were 4 groups of five in which rotated throughout the four activities. When the 5 students came to our group, they were excited to pull the stick out of the cup and share their answer with the class!! The students were eager to hear our answers as well. This activity taught my group and I all about the students we will be teaching throughout the semester. We were also able to learn their personalities as well. We saw which students are energetic and loud and which prefer to be reserved and shy. Let's hope our fut

Destination 3: The four methods of teaching

What are the four methods of teaching? Why do we use them? The four methods of teaching are four different ways of presenting information to our students. These four methods are used to develop a variety of different skills as well as reach a multitude of learners. The first method of teaching is   behavioral. The behavioral method is a form of   direct instruction,   or teacher centered .  In the behavioral method, students are given chunks of information by the teacher to which the teacher then guides the students through that information. The point of behavioral knowledge is to transmit the knowledge from the teacher to the student. By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to repeat the information back to the teacher. Some implementations of the behavioral method would include; presentations, practice, lecture, homework,  d ivergent questions (open-ended questions) ,  etc. The next three methods all use indirect instruction . Indirect instructi

Destination 2: Planet Earth

In the past, I never realized how severe climate change and global warming has gotten. However, after hearing Professor Edelstein's lecture, backed up with all the facts from the Climate Reality Project, I was shocked. At one point during the lecture, Professor Edelstein mentioned how we often think of the world as a place with unlimited resources. I never stopped and thought about it until after the lecture and can honestly say I am guilty of that mindset. I always understood that there is only one Earth, but never stopped to think about what would happen if we continued to live the way we do.... continue to harm the environment the way we do. The United Nations Panel on Climate Change conducted a meta study in which determined if data on climate control was creditable or if it diverges. In the end, they found that the data was creditable AND showed that as the reports went on and new data was published each set of data was more dire than the rest. Another study conducted

Destination 1: Social Studies Methods

New Semester New Course Teaching Digital Learners Reflection on Video: T echnology has rapidly taken over our society as a whole by storm over the past few decades. As time goes on, technology will only continue to improve and thrive. Therefore, as educators,we should use our current technology to our advantage and use it to not only inspire our students but enhance their learning experience. The current generation of students are surround by technology. The perfect example of this comes from the video, where one student claims to spend 5 1/2 hours a day on a computer. Children and teens these days are obsessed and in some cases, addicted to technology. If we incorporate technology into the classroom setting, we can not only prepare our students for the future of technology, but keep them engaged and active in the class.